Oregon Legislation Will Change the Future of Education

The recent passage of Oregon Senate Bill 1581, otherwise known as Oregon’s Achievement Compact legislation, will change the way schools are funded.

Budgets will be changing and funding will be based upon new criteria.  Instead of being funded based on the number of students enrolled, schools will be funded based on the number of students that graduate from the institution. This will change the face of education in Oregon, and is likely to lead to vast changes in the educational system. 

The bill is part of Oregon’s plan to increase college graduation rates with 40 percent of all high school graduates earning an associate’s degree with an additional 40 percent earning at least a bachelor’s degree. 

This is not a full evaluation of all that will be affected by the change in school funding due to this legislation.  The issue is complex and will be very important to the future of education in Oregon.  A full review of Oregon’s Achievement Compact will be published in the next issue of The Mainstream, May 30.

The Mainstream is a student publication of Umpqua Community College.